We are looking forward to receiving your proposals for monographs, edited collections, translations, etc. Depending on the type of your manuscript, please contact us – either the director of the press, or the journal/book series editors.

Please download one of the forms below, depending on your type of proposal. Please send the form to , together with your CV and a sample material (one or more chapters), if available. Should it be necessary, we will ask for more sample material.


After your manuscript was accepted, please use one of the templates below. Please note that we can only accept submissions which use the guidelines presented in the template.

  • Template for monograph HERE
  • Template for book chapter HERE


  • The manuscript should be submitted only in electronic format in one of the templates above. The submission should respect the critical apparatus as exemplified in the template or, in exceptional cases, the submission should respect the personalized template on which the author has agreed upon with the editor.
  • When the final manuscript is submitted, it should be complete, with all the necessary material included: final title, list of author(s)/editor(s), transtaltor(s), table of contents, introduction, foreword (if any), the body of the manuscript (including each article separately, in case of edited collections), dedications and acknowledgements, auxiliary material (abbreviations, bibliographies, annexes, indices, etc.)
  • Regardless of the language of the submission, the manuscript should use diacritics and accent marks specific to that language
  • Regardless of the language of the submission, the manuscript should be fully read and corrected by a native speaker of that language