Etichetă: sales

  • 7 Ways to Handle Objections (eBook)

    7 Ways to Handle Objections in Sales, Direct Sales and Network Marketing, eBook

    Author: Emanuel H. Popa

    eISBN: 978-973-664-962-2

    Pages: 106

    Publication year: 2024

    This eBook is published in open access. You can freely download it below.

    Over 15 years ago, Emanuel Popa ended up in a company that sold telecommunication services. He was living in the USA at the time. Little did he know that it was a direct selling company. Several months after that, he returned to Romania and attended his first personal development event with that company. In the past 15 years, Emanuel became a professional in the network marketing and direct sales industry, having had the chance to train thousands of people and speak in many countries to inspire and train people. He invested a lot in his personal growth and his personal skills. He built many teams from scratch and sold numerous things in the last fifteen years, all this giving him the experience, know-how and position to help other succeed.

    In this book you will learn to:

    • Understand the importance of your WHY
    • Connect better with others without offending them
    • Ask good questions when given objections
    • Master the best ways to handle objections
    • Ways to efficiently close someone in your sales process
    • Tell your story in an attractive way that helps you sell
    • Connect better with other for better relationships

    This eBook is published in open access. You can freely download it here: